The bandwidth it uses is deducted from the total for that location.
Using LDAP simplifies user administration, and makes using systems slightly easier for users.
The physical layout for this design is demonstrated
Cisco cannot attest to the accuracy of this information
I am evolved enough to support simple configuration.
but consume excessive amounts of bandwidth.
Designate: atamak,tanımlamak,tayin etmek
IP phone has specifically designated as a call park slot.
Lets wrap up this topic!
Reveal: ortaya koymaktadır, açığa vurmaktadır
Further study reveals: Son çalışmalar ortaya cıkartmaktadır.
Cofidential data lacking security: güvenliği olmayan gizli veriler
You can tune a few additional settings on the router to allow the voice ports to operate exactly to your specification.
in this instance
Tune: ayarlamak
you can tune to change the way it operates
Digest: sindirmek
It is usually much easier to digest.
This instructs the router to send all 2XXX extensions out port
Intended: istenilen,yönelik
It is intended to support only IP Phones
Encounter/Encountered: Karşılaşılan,karşılaşma,rastlantı
One of the most common issues you’ll encounter
Merging: birleştirmek
VoIP is the merging of voice networks into one, seamless communication path.
Inconvenient: Sakıncalı,uygunsuz,zahmetli,zor,külfetli
It would be inconvenient to require all the users in the Arizona office to dial the Texas office using the PSTN DID range
Granted: verilmiş,verilen Granted to: için verildi
This was granted to them because
Privileged: imtiyazlı
Inherited: Devralınır,mirastan kalma
Any settings you configure on the Server page are inherited by the Subnet configuration
Overrides: Geçersiz kılmak
Settings you change on the Subnet page overrides the Server setting.
Prerequisite: Önkoşul
which are a prerequisite for the CCNA Voice certification
Grasp: kavramak
You have a grasp of these fundementals.
Utilize: kullanmak
Utility: yarar,fayda
Cisco is moving fullsteam ahead with an initiative to unify voice, video, and data networks into a single infrastructure
Distinguish: Ayırmak,ayırt edebilmek
Reassemble: yeniden kurmak,yeniden monte etmek
PSTN carrier is able to distinguish and reassemble the voice conversations.
Infrastructure: altyapı
Blend: karışım, harmanlamak,harman
corporate:(kor’pırıt): Kurumsal,Tüzel
You walk into the new corporate
Comprised:(kom’pıraysdd) oluşan
Virtual workgroups comprised of telecommuting individuals sharing whiteboards
Halfway around the world!
Encompasses: Kapsamak,kuşatmak
Just like the name sounds, the runtime data encompasses anything that happens in “real time”
Enhances/Enhanced: Artırmak,yükseltmek,geliştirilmiş
can be additionally enhanced using their calendar status
This list goes on and on.
Broaden: genişletmek,genişlemek
Let’s broaden the discussion by following…
Bizarre: tuhaf
Working with the CUE module is a little bizarre at first
Overwhelm: kaplamak,boğmak,ezmek
With that being said, don’t let the massive size of CUCM to overwhelm you
As the saying goes: Derler ya, ne demişler
Maintain: sağlamak,sürdürmek
They only need to maintain their information and passwords in one place.
Emerge/Emerged: ortaya cıkmak,gün yüzüne çıkmak
This capability emerged in CUCM version 5 and beyond
Identical: özdeş
The latter issue seems almost identical to the first.
Proprietary(Pıro’pırayeteri): tescilli,özel, mal sahibi
intermediary(intermi’diari): Aracı
These organizations may choose to install intermediary devices, such as a patch panel,
Comprehensive: kapsamlı
so the following sections should by no means be considered a comprehensive CUCM troubleshooting manual
Do not improvise: Doğaçlama yapmayın!
Action taken does not make the problem worse!
Three groups of networks accommodate different groups
The leased lines will vary in service and bandwidth
The sole purpose of
regardless of
user to communicate with any other user regardless of location
It is governed by predetermined rules called protocols
Rude behavior can distract from the importance of the message.
Layers provide a way to conveniently reak a complex task into parts
The need for a cross platform standard for network communication became apparent.
when network communication was in its infancy
The OSI model is used to reference the process of communication, not to regulate it.
Network diagrams depict actual devices in their relationships.
the OSI model did not evolve as readily as the TCP/IP model
side by side for comparison.
engineers devised a logical addressing scheme
So proper addressing is essential to make sure that the sent message arrives Intact at the proper destination.
Invoke: Çağırmak
Viewing a web page invokes at least one network process
Comply: Uymak,razı olmak,boyun eğmek
Comply with communication rules called protocols.
Rely on : Güvenmek, bel bağlamak
Such servers rely on a central list of user accounts
Predefined: Önceden tanımlanmış
Alias; takma ad, diğer adıyla(zarf)
Upon receipt: Alındıktan sonra
Interprets: Yorumlamak
The browser interprets the data and presents it to the user.
Remarkably: Oldukça
Although it is remarkably flexible,
Acronyms: kısaltmalar
seamless: sorunsuz
Retrieve: geri almak
To send messages or retrieve information
The transport layer also encompasses these functions
Better suited: daha uygun
Better suited for transmission.
Associated: ilişkili
without regard to : bakılmazsızın
Without regard to the destination host type,
Infer: anlam çıkarmak
You can either infer the missing audio from the context of the conversation
This is considered preferable to the delays: Bu gecikmelere tercih edilir.
Diverse: çeşitli, farklı
devices to handle these diverse data requirements.
such as ensuring reliable delivery: Güvenilir teslimat sağlamak için
Recall: Hatırlamak
This can appear as distortion: Bu bozulma olarak görünebilir,ortaya çıkar.
Reduce the usefulness of the application: Uygulamanın kullanşlılığını düşürür.
Differentiate: Farklılaştırmak,ayırt etmek, ayrım yapmak
Undertake: üstlenmek
Allocation: paylaştırma,tahsis
Figure 4-10 shows the typical allocation of source
intends: niyet etmek, istemek
Indicate: Belirtmek
intruder: Davetsiz misafir
impose: empoze etmek,yüklemek,zorlamak
Assure: temin etmek, sağlamak,garanti etmek
decreament: azaltmak,eksiltmek,düşmek
Alliviate: Hafifletmek,azaltmak
They present problems that can be alleviated by dividing the network into smaller
chatty device: konuşkan cihaz
Impede: engellemek,sekte vurmak
Duplicate addresses will impede the operation of the hosts.
rapidly: hızla
finite: sınırlı
a finite number of hosts.
extensive-: kapsamlı,geniş
diversity: çeşitlilik,farklılık
equivalent: eşdeğer,
The TCP/IP network access layer is the equivalent of the OSI data link and physical layers.
lane: şerit
probability: olasılık
Density: yogunluk,sıklık
its high density of users make this technology cost effective
exposed: açık,maruz
devoted to: adanmış
definable: tanımlanabilir
interference: Parazit
Explicit: açık,belirgin
This explicit acknowledgment overcomes interference
immune: bağışık kimse,etkilenmeyen
Inadequate: yetersiz
10 Mbps began to be inadequate for many LAN needs.
Disrupting: bozmak,dağıtmak
Ethernet networks by allowing any single cable to fail without disrupting the entire network.
This led to: bu yol açtı
Encounter: rastlamak,karşılaşmak
You might still encounter hubs in a LAN for three reasons:
In essence: Özünde
Derive: Türetilmek,çıkarmak Derived: türetilmiş
Because switching was derived from an older technology called transparent bridging
Acquired by: edinilen